
Monday, August 31, 2020

New Trailers for TFF #47 Films / Telluride at Home-Part Two / Kate Winslet Talks Ammonite / Truffles for Christmas


A couple of international films that would have played as a part of the lineup that was announced list for TFF #47 dropped trailers this week.

Christos Nikou's Apples, which will screen as a part of the Venice Film Festival, released the following trailer on Friday (from You Tube):

And from director Malgorzata Szumowska' Never Gonna Snow Again (also a Venice title) had a teaser release on Tuesday:

And also ahead of its debut at bothe Venice and Toronto,  Gianfranco Rosi's documentary, Notturno, also has an international trailer.  Thanks to my buddy Alex Billington at who posted this news yesterday.


I'm passing along a couple more lists that I've gotten for folks that have accepted my challenge to curate their own replacement TFF #47 film fest in their own homes over the upcoming Labor Day weekend.

What I've suggested is for folks to pick 10-12 films from past Telluride Film Fests that are either films they'd like to re-visit or films that screened at Telluride but were missed.

I've completed my list of 11 (actually, a cooperative effort with the wife) and I'll be revealing mine in Thursday's post.  The Mrs. and I have chosen 11 films that we first saw at Telluride and will be seeing again...many being repeated for the first time since seeing them at TFF.

So, if you'd like to play and share your choices, feel free to drop me a line about what films you've curated for your very own TFF #47 at Home.  The deadline to get me your list is Wednesday at 6:00pm EDT.

Here are a couple of more lists that have been sent to me.  First is from my brother Jim who categorized two lists, one for narrative features and another for documentaries:

Top 10 Virtual TFF 48 list – Combining Documentaries & Movies

 Films (Alphabetic)

Black Mass
Darkest Hour
La La Land
Motherless Brooklyn
The Aeronauts
The Last Vermeer
Toni Erdmann

Documentaries (Alphabetic)

California Typewriter
Chasing Train
Eagle Huntress
Free Solo
Inside Bill’s Brain
Jerry Lewis: The Man Behind the Clown
Reversing Row
Spheres VR Experience

 And from friend of the blog Jim Brooks...his list of ten films for his Telluride at Home:

1 La La Land
2 Hostiles
3 Parasite (my wife saved a seat, and when I sat down, on the other side of the seat saved was none other than Mr. Telluride predictor, Michael Patterson, in the back row of the balcony of the Palm!)
4 Free Solo (Incredible!!!!! thanks to Telluride I revisited that in Imax when it was released in the fall.)
5 The Two Popes
6 Moonlight
7 First Man
8 Cold War
9 Toni Erdmann (last film of 2016, took a chance at the Chuck, and really enjoyed it!)
10 Frantz

Jim has also done some serious work as he is tracking down where some TFF films can be streamed:

Dogman (Hulu)
Roma (Netflix)
Angels Are Made of Light (iTunes)
Peterloo (Amazon Prime)
Nonfiction (Amazon Prime)
Graves Without a Name (iTunes)
The Other Side of the Wind  (Netflix)
Border  (Hulu)
Dovlatov (Netflix)
Biggest Little Farm (Amazon)
Girl (Netflix)
Free Solo  (hulu, Amazon)
Ghost Fleet (Amazon)
Shoplifters (Hulu)
The Great Buster (Amazon, YouTube)
Birds of Passage (Amazon)
Neruda (Amazon)
Things to Come (Amazon)
Lost in Paris (Amazon)
Una (Netflix)
Frantz (Amazon)
Chasing Trane (Netflix)
Into the Inferno (Netflix)
The Ivory game (Netflix)
Finding Oscar (Amazon, YouTube, AppleTV)
California Typewriter (Hulu)
Bright Lights (Amazon, HBO)
The Assistant (Amazon)


Oscar winner Kate Winslet's latest film, the much buzzed about Ammonite, is about to screen as a part of the Toronto International Film Festival (Sept. 11).  The film was one of the 29 that was announced as a film that would have played Telluride had the festival happened.  It was also a Cannes choice.

Prior to the film's debut, Winslet talked to Tatiana Siegel writing for The Hollywood Reporter about AMmonite and her career.

That interview/story is linked here.


Sony Pictures Classics has announced that TFF #47 documentary selection The Truffle Hunters will open on Dec. 25th in the U.S.

Deadline reported the announcement on Friday.



MTFB is published on Mondays and Thursdays

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