
Sunday, September 6, 2020

SPECIAL REPORT: Telluride at Home-Day Three


As I have been anticipating and predicting, yesterday did no go exactly to plan and that's okay.  As I have also said, that's how it works during the days of the real life festival.  It's a condition that I am used to and extremely comfortable with.

A couple of things altered the Saturday viewing schedule off of the original plan.  We had to finish the second half of First Man that we did not get to on Friday night.  Then, after 12 Years a Slave we called a switcheroo and traded The Artist which I had scheduled for today for The Diving Bell and the Butterfly.  We'll probably get Diving Bell in today sometime.  The other wrinkle yesterday: the wife took a nap...and for whatever reason...I wasn't in the napping mood so I spontaneously scheduled a "Sneak Re-View" of Jason Reitman's Up in the Air.  The film itself was a sneak preview back in 2009 at TFF #36.  Was good in 2009 and it's still good in 2020.  Has a different resonance now than it did then but it still resonates.

Otherwise, the rest of Saturday went well with viewings of the pre-planned: 12 Years a Slave and Lady Bird.

Today's fare: Steve McQueen's Shame with Michael Fassbender and Carey Mulligan, Wild Tales, the comedy from Argentinian director Damian Szifron that was from TFF #41 and the re-programmed Diving Bell.

We'll see if Sunday has wrinkles too.

Enjoy your own Telluride at Home!



MTFB is published on Mondays and Thursdays

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