
Thursday, July 2, 2020

Two Years Running / Blues and Brews Bows Out of 2020 / Add to Amazon / Nomadland Is Imminent / The Distribs: Bleecker Street / Netflix Adds the Chicago 7


For the second consecutive year Michael's Telluride Film Blog has been denied press accreditation for the actual fest itself.  Here's a screenshot of the email informing me yesterday afternoon:

So again, after having been granted that status from 2011-2018, TFF has said no. 

When I was denied last year, I asked at the time if there was a specific reason (I've sent that question again this year) and also if there was an appeal process.  I never got an answer.

As I said last year, I fully grasp that the fest can chose who to accredit who not to accredit.  I get that.

Further, I understand that I have published articles that have not been well received within the fest's hierarchy. This past year I have tried to be circumspect with regard to the stories I post and have, on a number of occasions, self-edited as I determined that a particular  thought or story might land badly.  That doesn't seem to have curried any favor.

And, of course, I'm aware that the very point of the blog (sussing out what might play at the fest) is antithetical to the fest's goal of keeping the lineup under wraps.

Still, after having been granted the status for eight years and then being denied for these last two, I am curious as to whether MTFB will ever be accredited again. 


The Telluride Daily Planet reported yesterday that the Telluride Blues and Brews Fest has been canceled for this year.  That leaves TFF as the only fest left standing for Telluride this year.  Blues and Brews was scheduled for Sept. 18-20-two weeks after The SHOW.

Festival director Steve Gumble is quoted in the paper with this:

“We held on to each day and each update and watched our hopes of holding Blues & Brews fade as each day passed.  Having said that, it is with tremendous sadness that I sit here forced to write what I thought I would never have to write — the 27th Telluride Blues & Brews Festival will be canceled for 2020. This is the toughest decision I have made, but without a doubt, it is the right thing to do.”

The complete story is here.


Last Monday I took a look at the films that I thought might be possible TFF #47 players from Amazon Studios.  Since then, Amazon Prime Video has acquired a new foreign film title that probably should enter in our consideration

Variety reported on Monday that the streaming service had snagged Chilean hit Jailbreak.  The film is based on the true story escape that occurred in 1990.  Variety reports that the film is Chile's biggest hit in the past few years.

My guestimate at the chances of Jailbreak making a stop in Telluride are 25%.

The Variety story is linked here.


Chloe Zhao's Nomadland seems to be done...complete...wrapped and locked.  Next Best Picture's Will Mavity tweeted the info yesterday that Nomadland has received its MPAA rating.  It's R by-the-by.

Here's Will's Tweet:

In the comments following Will's Tweet are a couple of references to its possible inclusion for Telluride.

Many readers know that I had Nomadland on my list for a good long while last year as a TFF #46 potential title.  I even still listed as a "possible" choice outside the final 25 "Bets" posted the day before Telluride announced its lineup.

Nomadland stars Frances McDormand.  Its IMDb listing is linked here.


Bleecker Street Media is the definition of a specialty house/film distribution company.  Their presence at Telluride over the years has been spotty but not invisible.  Last year they were represented at Telluride with Kitty Green's The Assistant which has gotten very good reviews since its theatrical release in late January.  Some have included it in their Ten Best lists for the first half of 2020.

The Bleecker Street T-ride profile looks like this:

2019- The Assisstant
2015- Beasts of No Nation (partnered with Netflix)

As we look to TFF for 2020 Bleecker could have a couple of films that we should consider:

The Secrets We Keep from director Yuval Adler whose Bethlehem was included by TFF in 2013.  The Secrets We Keep is a post-World War II story of Holocaust survivors trying to make their way in New York.

The other project is John Patrick Shanley's Wild Mountain Thyme.  Shanley is an Oscar, Pulitzer and Tony award winning writer.  He previously directed Doubt (Based on his own stage play) and Joe Versus the Volcano.  Wild Mountain Thyme stars Emily Blunt, Jon Hamm and Jamie Dornan.  IMdB's description of the film reads:

"A pair of star-crossed lovers in Ireland get caught up in their family's land dispute."

My guestimate:

The Secrets We Keep 45%
Wild Mountain Thyme 20%


After weeks of teasing that a deal was probably coming and reported hangups regarding international rights, Netflix has acquired Aaron Sorkin's The Trial of the Chicago 7 from Paramount for $56 million.  In a normal year that would shoot the film right to the top of my Telluride chart but because Netflix has announced that they're not taking any of their films to any of the festivals that won't be happening.

Now, just for fun, close readers of this space have noticed that I have picked up on a couple hints here and there that the Netflix decision may not be as ironclad as it seems.  I have wondered if we might see some Netflix titles as a "surprise" in Telluride.  Those aforementioned hints, Netflix's presence at the fest over the last half decade, Netflix saying that they will continue sponsoring fests- they sponsored the Chuck Jones Theater last year and the Labor Day Picnic in 2018 and I believe they'll be a sponsor of some sort again this year- all make me think that there's at least a glimmer of a chance that some of their projects could end up in the San Juans over Labor Day weekend.

Now that list of projects includes Sorkin's Chicago 7 film.

Variety has the acquisition story here.



MTFB is published on Mondays and Thursdays

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