Just finished the David Fincher tribute...
Impressions...Fincher is a dynamic director...the tribute included a 40 minute reel of his work...still impressive. Se7en, The Game and Fight Club are all very good. Zodiac was good...It will be interesting to see how Fincher continues in his career.
We were also treated to about 20 minutes of "Benjamin Button" which looks and sounds very Forrest Gumpy...I mean really Forrest Gumpy....which may be OK...maybe
It's a period piece, it's southern, it attempts the same kind of acceptance of a kind of magical realism that Gump asked you to buy into. And it's effects intensive too...just like Gump...
I think it's a very tricky tight rope that Button is going to try to walk...but I'm afraid that most people are going to feel that the steps were blazed by Gump and that Button is mostly a re-run.
Was going to attend "I've Loved You So Long" but am out of gas. Will start tomorrow morning with the Cannes entry, Steve McQueen's "Hunger". Then go from there. Waiting to see what the Fest organizers add as TBA's for tomorrow before planning the whole day. Looking forward to "Flash of Genius" which is NOT on the bill of fare...but the presence of Greg Kinnear means it will be sneaked at some point this weekend.
Celeb sightings tonight included Jeff Goldblum who is here with "Adam Resurrected" and singer-songwriter Tracy Chapman
Michael...good to know there are other Okie's in the area. Sounds like you guys are having a wonderful time. I'll have to tell my mom and sister about the other stars that they need to keep an eye out for. They saw Greg Kinnear and Leonard Maltin today and were excited about that. Enjoy the rest of the festival! --Ryan
So I am now confused.. Is Benjamin Button going to be a good movie?!?! Haha. This blog was definitely a good idea. Good job MEP!
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