Monday, September 16, 2024

The People's Telluride / Toronto's People's Choice Award and TFF #51 / Early Oscar Picks from Experts-THR / New International Trailer for Anora / Reitman on Saturday Night / Behind the Scenes on Memoir of a Snail / Not a Blurb...But...


Well, here it is.  The 2024 edition of MTFB's People's Telluride Poll.  I'll address the parameters that guided the poll below but I suspect you want to get right to the results...

1) Zawurski v. Texas 4.64
2) Will and Harper 4.47
3) Anora 4.44
4) Conclave 4.34
5) Emilia Perez 4.30
6) A Real Pain 4.28
7) September 5 4.20
8) Memoir of a Snail 4.03
9) Saturday Night 4.02
10) The Outrun 3.74
11) Maria 3.68
12) The Apprentice 3.55
13) The Friend 3.51
14) Piece by Piece 3.40
15) The Piano Lesson 3.29
16) Nickel Boys 3.26
17) Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight 3.16
18) The End 2.52

TFF #51 had a record response with more votes from The People than ever before.  To make the list a film had to have been seen by at least 25% of the respondents to the poll.  A 1 to 5 scale was used.  I added all ratings up for each film and those that met the threshold then divided the total ratings points by the number of people who had responded with ratings for that film.  That provided the average rating for each film above on the 5 point scale.

For fun the top five most "seen" films among the folks who responded with votes for the poll where:

1) Saturday Night which was seen by 82.4% of respondents.  The rest of the top five were:
2) Conclave 74.3%
3) Anora 71.6%
4) September 5  and Nickel Boys at 50% 

I really thought as the numbers were coming in that Anora was going to take the top spot.

Zuwarski's 4.64 will move it to #6 on the all time list of The People's Telluride.  That will also keep Will & Harper from moving onto the top ten as its 4.47 average will just be outside the top ten behind The Two Popes and Poor Things tied for the 9-10 spots now with a 4.51 average.  Will & Harper's 4.47 ties them with Roma and Room now at the 11-13 spots.

And a personal note, I want to thank so many of you that offered thoughts in response to my Sept. 3rd post and the questions that it posed.  It was, as they say, affirming.  I mean really affirming.  Thanks TFF peeps!


Yesterday Mike Flanagan's The Life of Chuck surprisingly (at least to me) won the Toronto International Film Festival's People's Choice Award.  Runner-up Jacques Audiard's Emilia Perez which rated #3 on the TFF #51 Pro's Poll and #5 above for the People. 

Second Runner-up was Sean Baker's Anora which you can see from this post and my previous post topped this year's TFF Pro's poll and was third on the just published People's Poll.

Josh Greenbaum's documentary, which played really well at Telluride (again, as you can see above) finished second in the voting for TIFF's People's Choice of Docs.  Landing ahead of it was Tragically Hip: no Time for Rehearsal.


The Hollywood Reporter's Awards executive Editor Scott Feinberg opens the 2024-25 Oscar season predicting these nominations for TFF #51 films (Scott is making predictions in the Big Eight categories as well as Animated, Documentary and International Features).

Emilia Perez (7): Best Picture, Direction, Actress (Gascon), Supporting Actress-2 (Saldana, Gomez), Original Screenplay, International Film.

Conclave (6): Best Picture, Direction, Actor (Fiennes), Supporting Actor (Tucci), Supporting Actress (Rossellini), Adapted Screenplay.

Anora (4): Best Picture, Direction, Actress (Madison), Original Screenplay.

September 5 (4): Best Picture, Actor (Sarsgaard), Supporting Actor (Magaro), Original Screenplay.

Saturday Night (2): Best Picture, Original Screenplay.

A Real Pain (2): Best Picture, Supporting Actor (Culkin).

Piece by Piece (2): Best Picture, Animated Feature.

The Seed of the Sacred Fig (2): Best Direction, International Feature.

The Apprentice (2): Best Actor (Stan), Supporting Actor (Strong).

The Piano Lesson (2): Best Actor (Washington), Supporting Actress (Deadwyler).

Maria (1): Best Actress (Jolie).

Nickel Boys (1) Best Adapted Screenplay.

No Other Land (1): Best Documentary.

Hollywood Gate (1) : Best Documentary (from TFF #50).

That's 36 projected nominations for TFF #51 films in theses 11 categories.


From YouTube:


IndieWire's Kate Erbland talks to writer/director Jason Reitman about TFF #51 world premiering film Saturday Night.  Here's the link.


MTFB friend Alex Billington at his site has linked five mini-behind-the scenes featurettes from Adam Elliots' delightful and moving Memoir of a Snail.  Variety has it currently #3 on its Animated Feature Oscar nominations predictions and The Hollywood Reporter has it a #10.


I have long dreamed of the day when my publicly posted response to a film gets blurbed in a trailer or a TV ad...and, of course that hasn't happened...yet.

Back in 2011 I freelanced for The Playlist and reviewed three films at TFF #38 and filed reviews for The Descendants, Albert Nobbs and Butter.  I had nice things to say about The Descendants and Albert Nobbs (Butter not so much) and thought that might be the moment.  It was not.

Since then I know it's unlikely as to tag a blurb with "of Michael's Telluride Film Blog" seems smallish.  But you know...maybe someday.  I've certainly been highlighted by other sites and blogs regarding that meat and bones of what the blog does.

But I did get a little closer as I found with Gold Derby's roundup of Jason Retiman's Saturday Night I find myself included as "more reactions".  Evidence below:

Sooooo...inching closer?


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MTFB is published on Mondays and Thursdays

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Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Professional's Telluride / The People's Telluride-Last Call / Trailers / Interviews and Profiles


Here we go...ratings from The Professionals of the films from TFF #51.  Some standards:   industry professionals agreed to rate the films they at TFF #51 on a 1-5 scale.  The pros are a mix of critics, awards experts and other industry insiders.  To make the list this year a film had to be rated by at least half of the Pros.

Here's this year's list of Pros:

Erik Anderson/Awards Watch
J. Don Birnam-Jorge T/
Christina Jeurling Birro/Pop Culture Confidential
Clayton Davis/Variety
David Ehrlich/Indiewire
Scott Feinberg/The Hollywood Reporter
Marshall Flores/Awards Daily
Mark Johnson/Good as Gold
Dave Karger/Turner Classic Movies
Joey Magidson/Awards Radar
Ryan McQuade/Awards Watch
Will Mavity/Next Best Picture
Clarence Moye/Awards Daily
Matt Neglia/Next Best Picture
Christopher Schiller/
Sasha Stone/Awards Daily

And here are the results for the 2024 edition of The SHOW:

1) Anora 4.53
2) September 5 4.08
3) Emilia Perez 4.07
4) Saturday Night 3.86
5) Conclave 3.83
6) Nickel Boys 3.77
7) Piece by Piece 3.60
8) The Piano Lesson 3.46
9) Maria 3.43
10) The Friend 3.25
11) The End 2.65

Congratulations to Sean Baker and Anora for topping the TFF Pro's Poll for 2024.  Anora's 4.53 rating supplants Argo and The Shape of Water on the all time Professional's list in a tie with Poor Things for the 9th and 10th spots:

And after TFF #51, the new updates all time Top Tens *well...since 2012:

The Professionals All Time Top Ten:

1) Moonlight (4.87) (16) (Won Best Picture)
2) Parasite (4.75) (19) (Won Best Picture)
3) Roma (4.73) (18) (Nominated Best Picture)
4) Birdman (4.72) (14) (Won Best Picture)
5) 12 Years a Slave (4.70-tie) (13) (Won Best Picture)
6) Central Park Five (4.70-tie) (12)
7) Foxcatcher (4.63) (14)
8) La La Land (4.58) (16) (Nominated Best Picture)
9) Poor Things (4.53) (23) (Nominated Best Picture)
9) Anora (4.53) (24)


Here's your FINALCALL to get in your ratings for TFF #51 films.  The scale is 1 to 5.  The deadline is tomorrow at 5:00 pm PDT|.  The People's results will be Monday's regularly scheduled post.  Right now the battle for the top spot is a slugfest.  Your ratings could tip the scale in favor of the films you loved best!

Email ratings to






X (Twitter) @TheMTFB OR @Gort2 


MTFB's Facebook Page

MTFB is published on Mondays and Thursdays

If you would like to be added to the MTFB e-mail list send an email to

Monday, September 9, 2024

Remember to Rate / TFF #51 and Oscar / Interviews and Profiles / Trailer for Blink


We're closing in the deadline for you folks to get your ratings of the films you saw at TFF #51 to me. 

The DUE DATE for ratings is SEPT. 13TH.


I'm planning on posting The People's  results on Monday, Sept.16.

please rate the films you saw on a 1 to 5 scale with 1 being awful and 5 being super!  Decimals are fine.


Long time MTFB readers know that now that the fest is over, I will now spend a bunch of time over the next six months focused on the Oscar (and other awards) prospects of the films that screened at Telluride.  That will include my own set of Oscar nomination and winner predictions which will start in a few weeks..

So, to kick that off, here are the current Oscar nomination predictions for TFF #51 films from Variety's Clayton Davis:

Emilia Perez (11): Best Picture, Direction, Actress (Gascon), Supporting Actress (Saldana), Original Screenplay, Editing, Makeup/Hair, Score. Song (x2), International.

Saturday Night (9): Best Picture, Direction, Supporting Actor (LaBelle), Original Screenplay, Production Design, Editing, Makeup/Hair, Sound, Score.

Conclave (6): Best Picture, Actor (Fiennes), Supporting Actor (Tucci), Supporting Actress (Rossellini), Adapted Screenplay, Score.

Anora (5): Best Picture, Direction, Actress (Madison), Original Screenplay, Editing.

The Piano Lesson (3): Best Picture, Supporting Actress (Deadwyler), Adapted Screenplay.

Maria (4): Best Actress (Jolie), Cinematography, Costumes, Makeup/Hair.

A Real Pain (2): Best Supporting Actor (Culkin), Original Screenplay.

Piece by Piece (2): Best Animated Film, Song.

The Outrun (1): Best Actress (Ronan).

Memoir of a Snail (1): Best Animated Film.

Nickel Boys (1): Best Cinematography.

Will and Harper (1): Best Documentary.

All We Imagine as Light (1): Best International Feature.

The Seed of the Sacred Fig (1): Best International Feature.

Total of 44 nominations predicted for 14 films.




X (Twitter) @TheMTFB OR @Gort2 


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MTFB is published on Mondays and Thursdays

If you would like to be added to the MTFB e-mail list send an email to

Thursday, September 5, 2024

The People's Telluride / Statistical Re-hash / What I Saw / Now What?


Well Friends...

It is time.  If you haven't already sent in your ratings for TFF #51 films that you saw, now's the time.  A reminder about the process.  Email me a list of the films you saw and rate each on a 1 to 5 scale.  1 means it was very bad, 5 means you thought it was terrific.  Decimals are fine.

The DUE DATE for ratings is SEPT. 13TH.


I'm planning on posting The People's  results on Monday, Sept.16.


TFF 2024 was a reasonably good year for MTFB.  From the final "bets" that were posted on Wednesday last week, after the addition of The Apprentice as a sneak, MTFB was 25 of 25 for films playing TFF #51.  Additionally, five of the films listed as "other possibilities" made the lineup as well.

From the original "Ten Bets" posted back on June 20th, seven films made the lineup: Anora, The Seed of the Sacred Fig, Emilia Perez, Bird, Maria, The End and Conclave.  Also from the list of "Other Possibilities" in that post were: The Piano Lesson and Nickel Boys.

Also, MTFB wasn't too bad at the Tribute speculation.  I'd been talking about the Saoirse Ronan/Outrun possibility for months.  Managed to guess the Thelma Schoonmaker notion based on the pre-fest screening of After Hours at Elk's Park and Jacques Audiard had been on my really short list of possible directors that could be tributed.


Ultimately I saw seven films.  It's an uncommonly small number for me at the fest but long "standing in line" times were necessary to avoid the risk of being shutout.  I was commonly in line three hours before the posted screening time.  As I result I made all seven I chose to see but that drastically reduced the number of films I could see.

If anything rivaled line conversation about the films it was the convo about accessibility.

My films in the order I saw them:

Conclave:  Liked it quite a bit  Good performances across the board. 3.75/5

Nickel Boys: I have been seeing the critics responding so much.  I respect the notion of inventive film making but, for me, Ross's choices often got in the way rather than enhancing the story he was telling. 3/5

Zuwarski v. Texas: This was the pick of the fest for me.  Powerful.  Seek it out. 5/5

Saturday Night:  Jason Reitman hits it out of the park.  Funny and Frenetic. 4.5/5

Emilia Perez: Terrific;  Super performances from the lead cast.  Inventive in a way that worked from my perspective. 4/5

September 5:  Excellent telling of the sports reporters at the 1972 Munich Olympics who had to turn into news reporters. 4/5

Memoir of a Snail:  Also outstanding. 4/5

What I missed that I would have liked to gotten in:

Carville: winning Is Everything, Stupid
Casa Bonita Mi Amor
The End
The Outrun
The Piano Lesson
Piece by Piece
The Seed of the Sacred Fig
Will & Harper


Well, collate the ratings from The People and The Pros and report back on those.  Also, collate both sets of ratings into The Composite Telluride.  I'll have all of that done and posted over the 10-14 days.

I'll also turn the attention of MTFB to the Oscar/Awards prospects of the films that played this past weekend.  As a part of that I'll soon begin posting my own predictions for Oscar glory.  Oscar nominations will be announced on Jan. 17th and the ceremony itself will be Mar. 2nd.


X (Twitter) @TheMTFB OR @Gort2 


MTFB's Facebook Page

MTFB is published on Mondays and Thursdays

If you would like to be added to the MTFB e-mail list send an email to

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

That's a Wrap TFF #51 /The People's Telluride


Welp, my 18th TFF is in the books.  Fewer movies than usual owing to challenges both logistic and emotional.  

Not enough time to share with old friends but joyous about some of the new friends made.

Largely for me, the films I did get to see were good to great and you can't complain about that.  

For a number of years I have been blessed with meeting and conversing with so many of you that read this thing.  This year, however, it seemed that the sheer number of folks who read the blog was massive.  At one point this weekend I turned to my wife and said that I think almost everyone that's here in town has read the blog.

To all of you that took the time to speak to me this weekend know that I am humbled and gratified that you find this space useful.

For long time readers, you know that MTFB now shifts into awards season mode.  The next six months is about what occurs in the race to the Academy Awards and how Telluride films figure into the various races.

Thanks to all of you who rate the TFF #51 films for The People's Telluride (directions below).


For the 12th year MTFB is soliciting your input for The People's Telluride.  All you have to do is watch films during the fest and then, when it's all over, report to me your assessment of each film on a 1-5 scale with 1 being "UGH!" and 5 being "GREAT".

Report your ratings to: 

The deadline for this year to turn in your ratings will be Sept. 15th.

I'll compile all of your responses and post those a few days after the festival.

Finally, I need some feedback.   I often get some negative vibes from the fest.  This space is, you might say, not embraced by the organization. Should MTFB continue?  does in enhance or detract from your festival experience?  Drop my a thought along with your ratings if you're so inclined.


X (Twitter) @TheMTFB OR @Gort2 


MTFB's Facebook Page

MTFB is published on Mondays and Thursdays

If you would like to be added to the MTFB e-mail list send an email to

Sunday, September 1, 2024

TFF #51 Day Four


Not going to get into details but it was a troubling day today.

Caught Emilia Perez...still processing...but the women were all great.

Tomorrow...going to figure that out in the morning.

TBAs for Monday by Venue:

Palm: 4:00 The Apprentice 7:00 Saturday Night
Galaxy: 1: 30 A Real Pain
Herzog: 7:00 Anora
Masons: 7:15: The Seed of the Sacred Fig
La Pierre: 1:00 Nobu 6:45 Blink
Backlot: 3:30 Her Name Was Moviola 5:15 The Swallow

TFF #51 Day Three

TFF #51 Day Three

Had a great second day in Telluride.  I only caught two films today but they were both very rewarding experiences.  The sheer number of Patrons, Sponsors, Guests, Show Ringers and such has made it necessary for someone with a Festival level pass to be very early in line to be sure that I could get in for films that I really wanted to see.

Patience was rewarded today with screenings of Zuwarski v. Texas which was one of the most emotionally powerful films I have ever seen in my 18 years of coming to this fest.  If this isn't in the final five for the Best Documentary Oscar it would be a huge insult to the notion of justice.

Second film was the World Premiere of Jason Reitman's Saturday Night; a film that follows the 90+ minutes that leads up to the premiere episode of the legendary show 50 years ago.  It's funny, frenetic and in its own way, also emotionally powerful especially to a kid of the 70's.  Gabriel LaBelle as SNL creator Lorne Michaels is the glue that holds the film together.  The ensemble cast, faced with the daunting task of re-creating comedy legends like George Carlin, John Belushi, Gilda Radner, Dan Akroyd and Chevy Chase manage a miracle and make them real rather than caricatures.

TBA for 9/1:

The lone TBA for Sunday is at 12:30 at the Chuck and is a screening of The Apprentice with Q+A.

My plan for Sunday starts with Anora at The Zog.  Then I have a social function at 1:00pm.  Following that a number of films are in play including: The Piano Lesson, The Outrun, Will and Harper, Carville, The End, Maria and Bird. 

Have a Super Sunday people!