Saturday, January 21, 2012

Saturday Extra to The FAC

We're less than 72 hours away from Oscar nomination morning.  Very exciting.  In this morning's brief post I have a look at a couple of Oscar prognosticators that have not been included in The FAC group, just we can throw a little something new and maybe some spice into the mix.  And also a piece from Steve Pond at The Wrap suggesting that the conventional wisdom that 7 or 8 films would make it into the Best Picture race come Tuesday morning may not be the case.


First a link to Mark Harris/Grantland:

And also the final Oscar predictions from our frequently cited friends at The Playlist:


Most Oscar handicappers have been pretty confident since the Academy's announcement of new voting/counting procedures that in this first year where there could be 5 to 10 nominees that there would likely be 7 or 8.  Now The Wrap's  Steve Pond says, "Not so fast, muchacho!"  Pond, who may this stuff better than the Academy's accounting firm says that it might not come out that way at all.  Maybe ONLY 6 nominees...Check his post at The Wrap here:,1


Here's my blog plan for the next three days leading up to and past the Oscar announcements on Tuesday morning.

Tomorrow (Sunday)...A brief post with a pair of articles that challenge the conventional wisdom that The Artist has the Best Picture race sown up...really.

Also, my top ten films of 2011...I know you're breathless in anticipation.

Monday:  Oscar predictions using the 10 predictors that I have been collating since Telluride ended in September.

Tuesday (evening): All the nominations and parsing them...surprises of inclusion and exclusion, joy and rage!  I'll also have the Telluride breakdown of this year's nominees

Then in Thursday's regular post I hope to have reaction from the handful of Academy members and industry insiders I know. It should be fun!

Follow me @Gort2

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